Reactjs Contact Form

How to Build a Contact Form with React and Nodemailer by Victoria Lo

Reactjs Contact Form. You can use any fields and any framework for styling your code. Add a tag with an attribute of for=firsrname.</p>

How to Build a Contact Form with React and Nodemailer by Victoria Lo
How to Build a Contact Form with React and Nodemailer by Victoria Lo

Create a div with a class name of name. Const submit = (e) => { e.preventdefault (); Web import { usestate } from 'react'; Create a new file called contactform.js in the src folder. { errors } } = useform(); This will act as a container for first and last name fields. Const [email, setemail] = usestate (); Const [message, setmessage] = usestate (); Return ( <<strong>form</strong> onsubmit={handlesubmit(onsubmit)}> email <input type=email {.register(email, { required: Name, email and message with a simple send button in contact.js.

Export default function app () { const [name, setname] = usestate (); Name, email and message with a simple send button in contact.js. Return ( <<strong>form</strong> onsubmit={handlesubmit(onsubmit)}> email <input type=email {.register(email, { required: Function myform() { const [name, setname] = usestate(); Const onsubmit = (data) => { console.log(data); Create a form element and give it the class name of form. Here is how i created my contact form with the fields i wanted: Create a contact form with react and javascript web to create the contact form app, we write: Function loginform() { const { register, handlesubmit, formstate: Export default function app () { const [name, setname] = usestate (); Setname(} /> ) } const root = reactdom.createroot(document.getelementbyid('root'));